About Our Counter-Terrorism Level Security Products
Premier Security & Fire Consultants Ltd has increased its portfolio of counter-terrorism level security products with a full LPS1175 D10 (SR4) Jansen-façade curtain-walling system. Accredited by Secured by Design and in line with the UK government’s ‘Protect Duty’** legislation, Premier’s latest range of doors, screens and windows, sits alongside their LPS1175 C5 (SR3) systems unveiled at the start of 2022.
The Essex-based company will further enhance their product range of counter-terrorism defence systems later this year when they complete testing and assessments of their LPS1175 E10 (SR5) designs with the BRE (Buildings Research Establishment).
Matching their commitment to producing high-quality, certificated security products, Premier is also meeting the challenge global warming by integrating ‘green’ design technology into their systems.
Premier’s use of thermally-broken profiles creating U-Values, insulation, and air & water tightness, helps the company match the standards achieved by Passivhaus certification in line with ISO 13790 (EN), the energy performance of buildings.
The impressive U-Values help create controlled temperature conditions resisting both excessive heat and cold conditions.
For more information, contact Premier on 0208 559 8295 or go to our website premier-ssl.com.
** Protect Duty – known widely as ‘Martyn’s Law’ – is due to be implemented in 2023. It comes in the wake of a number of terrorist attacks in public spaces across the UK – most notably, the Manchester Arena bombing. The purpose of Protect Duty is to improve security in public spaces, protecting and enhancing the safety of both visitors and staff.
Of course, businesses already have a duty of care under existing legislation – the Protect Duty will clarify these responsibilities, pulling them into a single framework – the ultimate aim is to prevent the repetition of past failures. The Home Office estimates that 650,000 UK businesses could be affected by Protect Duty – and many businesses will have to formally assess terrorism risk for the first time.
#D10 #SR4 #ProtectDuty #passivhaus #UValues #globalwarming #Security #Architype #MartynsLaw